“Respect for people and the environment” is one of Marne’s core values as was already mentioned. Marne Mustard is thus looking for more environmentally friendly packaging to reduce their environmental impact. Consider using (different) materials or making the packaging completely recyclable. The sachets (shown here) are an example of packaging that requires a long-term upgrade. Marne Mosterd wants to find out what alternatives exist and what steps are required to implement a sustainable alternative.
Any step in the direction of a sustainable alternative is urged. Future laws and regulations are also relevant in this situation. In fact, PVDC will be outlawed starting in 2025. PVDC is a substance that’s currently found in the sachets. It is beneficial for the industry to demonstrate the actions being taken. Therefore, consider actual implementation, marketing, and communication as part of your challenge.
“What are substitutes for non-approved substances found in sachets and how to realize a sustainable alternative?”