During the Green Business Challenge young professionals (students and starters) from across the world dive head-first into the complexity of the green economy and get their hands dirty on real challenges, for real companies. All while gaining new skills, great friendships and exciting career opportunities along the way. Each edition has a specific theme: ranging from circular economy, biobased to climate change and energy.
It is an unforgettable experience for all involved: from students and case owners to our programme partners.

The Green Business Challenge is initiated by BBENG. A result-driven agency that is committed to making transitions happen by fueling entrepreneurship and innovation in the Northern Netherlands. Whether it’s about sustainability, the circular economy, energy, or agri-food: BBENG’s dedicated, interdisciplinary team translates ideas and complex transformations into real-life business solutions and tangible actions that have a long-lasting impact. Rooted in Groningen and Leeuwarden, BBENG is all about building bridges; connecting stakeholders, guiding growth, and catalyzing transitions that have a significant, positive impact – beyond mere numbers. That’s how projects, people, and green business challenges are pushed forward!
What started in 2021 with the idea to join forces to boost the green economy, has transformed into a successful, once-in-a-lifetime experience, many collaborations and newfound friendships. Knowledge institutes, companies, governments and students all work together on business cases that matter. By now, almost 100 students from 20 different countries have successfully tackled 20 challenges and presented solutions ranging from sustainable packaging, ways to (better) use residual flows, improve circular chains, develop bio-based building materials and contribute to sustainable innovation methods.

Do you mean business when it comes to building a better future? And are you up for a challenge? Join the next edition of the Green Business Challenge!
Contact one of our Green Business Challenge initiators for more information.