MyCoffin’s Challenge concerns the impact realized by using this new innovative coffin compared to existing alternatives.

The classic wooden coffin is the most commonly used variant, but there is also a hemp & mycelium coffin made using molds. Because of the material used and/or the production process, both have a greater impact on the climate, via the associated co2 emissions.

The wood of classic funeral coffins comes mainly from Scandinavia & North America. It is then sawn in Western Europe and then assembled in the Netherlands. This intensive transport route emits a lot of pollution, and the 30-year-old tree is used for only a few days.

In addition, the ‘traditional’ production method of mycelium & hemp also has a downside. Plastic molds are used in which the raw materials have to grow for a week and then dry for 2 days. The climate chambers, ovens, use of molds, labor hours and disinfectants involved make this process not sustainable enough.

“Analyze the entire product chain and calculate the positive environmental impact of the product compared to existing alternatives.”


6 - 11 NOVEMBER 2022

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