Since 2005, the innovation with regard to self-compacting concrete has been playing. Efko Beton has been one of the early adopters. Now, 16 years later, about 80% of the market has switched. Experience shows that innovations in this market are slow to get going. Long-term impact of the innovation is difficult to demonstrate. This has to do with legislation and regulations on the one hand and expectations from the clients on the other. One of the biggest challenges the industry currently faces is reducing CO2 emissions during concrete production.
Efko Beton detects these challenges as a signal to arrive at some kind of innovation process/method as an industry. This is to ensure that no steps are skipped during innovation, but also to ensure that things are not duplicated while the knowledge and experience are present (but left unused).
Efko Beton challenges the market by participating in the Green Business Challenge.
Come up with an innovation method that is applicable for the entire industry and the possible starting point for every innovation.